brochure音標的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列免費下載的地點或者是各式教學

另外網站【DSE英文】 Leaflet Video 1 教你怎樣寫好宣傳單張【香港 ...也說明:

國立臺灣師範大學 華語文教學系 曾金金所指導 林宥榛的 法文版零起點華語發音 紙本教材之設計原則初探 (2012),提出brochure音標關鍵因素是什麼,來自於華語、法語、發音、零起點、教材設計。

而第二篇論文國立清華大學 人類學研究所 魏捷茲所指導 蔡政良的 玩的現代性:玩、遊、戲宛若都蘭阿美人穿梭時空的路 (2009),提出因為有 阿美族、都蘭、玩、遊戲、展演、現代性的重點而找出了 brochure音標的解答。

最後網站booklet,booklet的英文意思和翻译,booklet的音标读音,用法,例句 ...則補充:英语频道小编alice整理了英语单词booklet的学习资料,关于booklet是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括booklet的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及 ...



法文版零起點華語發音 紙本教材之設計原則初探

為了解決brochure音標的問題,作者林宥榛 這樣論述:

1995年法國只有五所大學設有中文系(徐時儀,1995),2004年十二所(白樂桑、張放,2005a),2011年開設華語專業的大學則增加到二十五所(Bellassen, 2011) ,顯示華語教育在法國的大幅成長以及需求。發音學習是語言學習的第一步,經分析後發現現行法文版教材對發音解釋的方式主要以借用華語以外語言語音模擬和文字描述發音方式為主。而借用其他語言語音模擬可能因學習者對該語言熟悉程度的不同、跨語言語音本質的差異以及各地口音及腔調的分別而產生誤導;文字敘述的方式亦將因文字解釋的模糊與專業語言學用語不易理解而造成學習障礙。 Anderson (1980) 提到技能經過大規模的練習方能

自如使用,然而現行教材中練習題的比重有些仍不足,練習的方式也不夠多元化。由以上論述可見發音紙本教材的設計仍有相當大的改進空間。本文發音部分的研究範圍涵蓋聲母、韻母和聲調以及漢語拼音拼寫規則。本研究歸納出針對法語母語者零起點發音紙本教材的設計重點主要為可理解性輸入 (comprehensible input) 與可理解性輸出 (comprehensible output) 兩大方面。首先,為使教材易於理解,本教材採法文為教材解說用語,並利用口腔剖面圖和插圖或圖表等圖象搭配文字描述講解發音方式。可理解性輸出(comprehensible output) 的設計則是透過文獻回顧以及需求分析了解學習者



為了解決brochure音標的問題,作者蔡政良 這樣論述:

This study demonstrates a new approach toward understanding Amis culture, focusing on the Amis people of A’tolan in Taiwan. I suggest that through their playing with“modernity”, which I define as a mode of life following upon technological progress and capitalist development that has been dissemina

ted by Europeans since the 16th Century, A’tolan Amis exemplify a different approach to their social life experiences through their history of encountering “modernity”; playing is one of the core philosophies of life for A’tolan Amis, and one which also mediates their encounters with “modernities” a

nd refines those encounters into a particular A’tolan Amis modernity.This dissertation is divided into two main parts with five chapters and the conclusion. The first part includes two chapters focused on the ground of the play element in the social structure and the cultural cognition represented i

n the rituals and singing/dancing practices within an historical context of transformation. Based on the first part, the second part includes chapters four to six, which describe how the play of A’tolan Amis performs a crucial role in three major historical and contemporary experiences in social li

fe, including the war experiences in the near past, the contemporary modern ethnic identity formation of the younger generations, and ongoing problems about environmental and land issues in A’tolan, both of which deserves further attention.The conclusion chapter advances three main conclusions. Firs

t, I indicate that play acts as a shuttle used to confront and evade “modernity” and even to innovate a certain playing modernity of A’tolan Amis on paths crossing space-time. Secondly, theoretically, I argue that communitas is the playing experiences in the plays of A’tolan Amis, which is also as a

matter of fact a meta-communitas; in other words, the communitas has the quality of double layers. Finally, I would like to share what I have learned from the life philosophy of A’tolan Amis in this study, which gives me a worthwhile attitude to face my own hardships in the future.